Rapini & Goat Cheese Pappardelle
  • CourseMain Dish
  • 400g Pappardelle
  • 1 bunch rapini
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 70g Goat cheese(1/2 of a small package, broken up into ½ inch pieces).
  • 1-2tsp chili flakes
  • olive oil
  • Salt & pepperto taste
  • 1/3cup pasta watersave after cooking pasta
  1. Boil water in a large pot.
  2. Heat olive oil in pan, add garlic, chili flakes, and rapini. Add ½ lemon juice, salt and pepper. Cook until tender and set aside.
  3. Cook pasta as per instructions until al dente. Drain, saving about 1/3 cup of your pasta water.
  4. Meanwhile, chop rapini into 6ths and make sure you keep all of the juices.
  5. Coat the bottom of your pot with olive oil, add pasta back, add rapini and juices. Add remainder of lemon juice and pasta water. Season with salt and pepper. Toss gently.
  6. Pour into serving dish, top with goat cheese, toss a little bit, leaving most of the cheese on top.